Emily Vallejo
Welcome, my name is Emily! I have a passion for serving women in the postpartum season and integrating Ayurveda into their lives. I studied Ayurveda and have a Bachelor's degree from Maharishi International University. I also attended the Center for Sacred Window Studies school to gain more experience on postpartum practices. Ayurveda was the foundation of my own postpartum experience and I found it's healing qualities profound. As I prepare for my second baby’s arrival I can’t help but feel excited for another postpartum experience! The mother deserves to be held and in a state of bliss and that is what I hope to bring to this community. I am currently offering virtual support through postpartum planning and Infant/Self Abhyanga instruction until we ground ourselves as a family of four (Summer 2025 most likely). Becoming a mother changed my life and I would love to be a part of your own journey.
Why Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a holistic medicine that translates to “the science of life”. In Ayurveda the mind, body, and spirit are seen as one and connection to nature is at the source. Health is treated on the level of the root cause. For these reasons, bringing Ayurveda into the postpartum season allows for the deepest healing and rest. This is a sacred time for mothers and they should be at the center of care. The five pillars of a rejuvenative and restorative postpartum are met with ease through Ayurvedic principles regarding the 42 days (postpartum window).